Quirkz Successes
- Using a Google image search I recently discovered my Hell image has been "borrowed" (without permission)
by quite a few sources. The biggest one appeared to be a personality test which gave out the image along with a summary
personality description. The site appears to be defunct now, or I would be having a word with them. One high-visibility
use of the image is an entry in Uncyclopedia.
- Twilight Heroes became notable enough to have its own Twilight Heroes Wikipedia entry.
- Twilight Heroes was ranked as one of the best freeware RPGs (role-playing games) of 2007. The review included, "Meticulously constructed ... Ingenious, funny, and advertising-free."
- My anti-chain letter was included in a humorous book about "people who can't take it anymore" called Life's Little Annoyances, by Ian Urbina.
- My site was featured on a Duct Tape Guys page-a-day calendar. Oddly, nobody from that group bothered to tell me they were listing me. If a friend hadn't gotten me the calendar for a present, I never would have known about it.
- Ode to an Oberlin Squirrel has been nearly published three times. Each time someone asked me for permission to publish it, and then just stopped communicating with me somewhere in the process. So it's a qualified success, but it's nice to be asked.
- While I'm not sure I can take credit, the subversive artist Catellan duct taped his agent to a wall for a showing, several years after I'd performed the same stunt. So I got there first and did it myself.
- A graduate student interviewed me for her research thesis about "Subversive Art," specifically regarding the duct tape art gallery. Though happy to talk about it, I insisted I didn't really see myself as an artist, as far as the duct tape stuff goes. She noted that's part of what makes me a subversive artist.
- Abstract Curves 3 was requested by a South Korean group to be used in a conference. They balked at the modest price (I asked for anything larger than free, and apparently that was too much) so it was never used, to my knowledge.
- Recovery, an MTV-ish variety program in Australia, did a short feature about my web site. "So, this is how geeks can become heroes," the host said. That seems about right.
- For a number of years my web site held the #1 entry on Yahoo for duct tape.
- At one point I was responsible for 90% of the web traffic to my college department's pages.
- Back in my college days, the duct tape art gallery actually got me a date. A girl I didn't know stumbled onto the Worst of the Web entry (see below), realized we attended the same school, and tracked me down. Then she got weird and refused to talk to me, but I got the last laugh by immortalizing the event in a novel.
- The Duct Tape Jesus picture was featured on the Worst of the Web back in 1996.